Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rest in blogger r.i.b

Sad but possibly false. This may be one of the last posts for Saturns pain room.

Truth is I'm starting a new blog. A supercharged blog

Still getting a name and texture for it but this blog will be a Mae for dummies guide for those whose are unaware of my online musical presence

Not to mention. It will be a nice place for me to lay out projects in an organized fashion to where you can see my "life projects" progress. Remember I have about 5 to 6 different projects and I work on each one every day. I slowly add on to projects piece by piece

Yes the Dali project is getting the most attention right now.

Can't lie. It's kinda sad. No more pain room. I swear im going to have a great time reading these old post when I'm older.

See ya soon

Maes last pain room post. Probably so

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I can't even lie. Yesterday was a day filled with addorol (hope that's spelled right) and mushrooms, weed. Ummm alcohol and chewing tobacco.
I straight mutilated myself yesterday. Felt good though
I feel refreshed again, gonna reboot yesterday's fun though. Maybe half the drugs though.

I consider myself hunter breed in the Essence of believing that the brain was made to be distorted and/or influenced by natures "goodies" all great art can give some credit to drugs right? Well I know not all but some

Today is a tac town day. I miss the city and cannot wait to see the landscape that shaped me.
Can't predict the energy or texture that will come today but I ready for anything you give me Tacoma.

Just me and whatever else today. That s all ~Mae@honeycomb~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Mae met Dali( long story short)

When Mae met Dali: the story behind eclectic acrylic.

We start with Mae. Mae who won't reveal how he and Dali met came to the painter with an idea to fuse two art forms into one. Music and art.

Dali believed that music was a 3rd rate art form and rejected  the collaborative idea almost instantly.( it's important to know that even though Dali rejected the idea of working with Mae they remained friends throughout dalis life)

Sad but understanding, Mae opted to do the project himself. He had wit held the truth from Dali that he had the ability to summon it spirits energies etc.
With this in mind, Mae realized that he could summon dalis creative spirit and create the wanted effect of a surrealist music project without ever having the physical Dali in the room.( this is the most broad way to put the albums creative vision)

The most intriguing moment of the Dali project will be "saturns ring disposal" episode. 
Saturns ring disposal is a vital part to the Dali project and the story goes like this.

roughly around the 2nd half of dalis life, he had become so involved in science and mathematics that he created a device that would allow traveling of the Astros. Mae who had been deeply intrigued by space spent much of his life creating a metaphorical device that would allow him to "space travel" or getaway. According to Mae, his music was the getaway. 
Needless to say, Mae diddnt mind the thought of traveling to space. Dali agreed to let Mae visit his home planet saturn. Upon arrival Mae was satisfied with the surroundings. After what seemed like no time at all it was time to return to planet earth. Turns out there were stipulations regarding getting home. Fact is. In order for mae to return to earth he had to remove all burdens and current stress that had held  him down in order for the device to work properly. When all negativity was disposed of..sat urns rings would disappear and Mae could then return home. 

The end results in mae returning in earth in time to finish the Dali project just as Dali was taking his last breath. Maes original recordings are said to be hidden in the Dali castle. Dalis death obviously prevented him from any approval of the finished product. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Long minute.

It's been how long since I blogged?
The I pad production tip is going good I would say. Been chopping sounds at work and then touching up things at home when I get off. Seems that nowadays there isn't time for everything I wanna do. ( do I consolidate my ideas?) hell to the No!

This is a random thought blog by the way

When will sun come? I've never depended on the weather as much as I do now for my mood.the repeated rainy days are taking a toll on me.

I wanted to write more but mom just came to visit. Toodles!

Dali project make progress on the daily


Sunday, February 20, 2011

What's new

Currently on the I pad production tip.... Curiosity provoked me to...
I remember saying way earlier that i would find ultimate happiness in having the skill to produce on all meduims,,so I'm being about bout it

Puget sound should drop today

Annd getting on the b ball mindset..... Games at 5 holla

-Mae@the pad-

Monday, February 14, 2011

more info

so..i just completed the needed info for afton booking...
they even wanted to know how many people we would bring ourselves,i put 20

with two months into the new year...feelings that are being felt  are different in comparison to before.
annd relationships are like paintings, for you can begin a new canvas, but past brushstrokes will always influence the next painting.

waiting for someone to tell you that you qualify to dwell in their house is something too( the suspense is well timed for its uneasy nature it provides) but im ok.

life will keep getting intruiging to me.
its like i dont even take it serious sometimes in attempts that my expiriments will show lifes pointlessness.
granted i have some purpose,it just seems that  some second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year/s are simply doper than others....and some feel like they are so important but in reality nothing may have changed......

pardon recent words from the blabbermouth kid.....while my stomach aches in hunger pains from last nights pukefest, i write whats new on the presses...

time to clean and play music and whatever else will happen.....because everything happens,,,all the time


Saturday, February 12, 2011


you may take full credit for michael roberts's status as a  live performance artist........
thats of course if this all falls through..

im very happy to be in the run for doing a show march 10...what will i do? its been since 2006

fuck that, i will kill this, kill it it my own way.

amy@sea thank youfor finding me.....this was well over do....this is what i do....what i sacrifice numerous  things for

